You may be asking yourself, “why do I get frequent headaches?”
I once asked myself the same question.
It was tons of fun, but it also took quite a toll on my body. Even at the age of 17, I was starting to have really bad back pain to the point where it was hard just to get on and off the bike, which is obviously quite a big issue. It was affecting my ability to race motocross, stay active, and live life.
Now, on top of that, I was also having normal weekly headaches. Now, I say “normal,” because to me, I thought everyone had three to four headaches a week and it was a normal thing. I thought that everyone experienced these headaches, and that I should just wait them out.
It wasn’t until later that I realized that headaches are definitely not a normal thing, and it wasn’t normal for me to have such bad back pain at that age – or any age, really. Back pain, headaches, and other types of pains aren’t “normal,” and they’re not something you should have to live with.
Because of my own experiences, I believe that no one should have to live with that sort of discomfort – any sort of neck pain, back pain, or anything like that. No one should have to life with “normal” headaches or migraines, because frequently feeling pain is not normal – but the good news is, there’s help out there.
If you’re wondering, “why do I get frequent headaches?” or experience any kind of frequent headache, migraines, pain or discomfort, I’m Doctor Mike at The Specific Chiropractic Centers, and I hope I can help you out.