Everyone has had a headache at one point in his or her life. The problem arises when you continue to have headaches day after day. This is a bigger problem than most people think. There are millions of people who suffer from headaches or migraines on a daily or weekly basis. But what causes this to happen?
We are going to go over 4 things that might be causing your headaches. A lot of people get fed up taking meds for their migraines or headaches. People have found out that all of these things can be the cause of their problem.
I Can See Clearly Now
Many people often overlook this but getting your vision checked is something that could really help with headaches. This might sound like a joke but if your vision isn’t up to par what it can be causing is you to squint your eyes, which is putting unnecessary strain on all of those muscles. This can cause a headache and people don’t even know it!
What are you Eating?
Something else that many people overlook when they experience headaches regularly is their diet. Often times there is something that they are sensitive to which puts the rest of the body in a state of inflammation. When the body is in a state of inflammation a myriad of symptoms can be experienced with a headache being on of them.
Our body makeup includes a lot of different things. One of the things that makes up most of it is water, 60% to be exact! What do you think happens if we don’t drink as much water as we should? Things aren’t as nourished as they should be. This includes the brain and nervous system which regulates the body. When the body doesn’t have enough of one thing, like water, something like a headache or migraine can definitely come about.
Get Checked!
The most common thing people with headaches or migraines overlook is getting checked. Getting checked for what?! Getting their nervous system checked! The nervous system is key in managing the entire body. In the office, we see people all the time who have suffered for years suddenly not have suffer anymore because we get their nervous system in check and functioning properly. When the nervous system isn’t functioning correctly it is causing the body and brain to not be communicating as one, which could cause a headache just like that! Measuring the nervous system is what we specialize in at The Specific Chiropractic Center.
If you suffer from headaches or migraines regularly I highly suggest you try these out.
One of the people we have worked with who has experienced chronic headaches and migraines in Rachel. She had tried everything there was to try without much luck. It wasn’t until we checked her nervous system that we found a potential problem. Check out the video below to hear the rest of Rachel’s story!
Learn more.
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