THE specific BLOG

THE specific BLOG

How Your Health May Be The Safety You Need

Safety is something we all take for granted.

We all realized how much we took it for granted this past year…that’s for sure.

Safety from health scares along with safety from one another!

Not saying that we’ve gone through anything like the purge but once we look back at 2020 and 2021 in 30 years I think we will see how crazy and ridiculous things actually were.

There’s a lot of things we can do to protect our homes and families but what about ourselves?

Obviously that goes along with our family but I’m talking about something else.

How can we protect ourselves from not being susceptible from something similar to COVID in the future?

I’m not sure about you but I’ve known quite a few people who have gotten COVID but are totally fine….why is that?

Why are some people totally fine yet other’s are severely impacted by it?

I believe it comes down to their daily living habits.

Let’s take a look at things before all of this mess. People could be at work, right next to their coworker, then the next day that coworker is home sick with the flu…why is that?

If everything that we’re taught is true then you should have gotten the flu as well since you were right next to your coworker.

But you didn’t get the flu because of your living habits.

You may exercise, have a healthy diet, a stronger immune system because the things you do for fun are outdoors, while your coworker may just go home, sit in their house, eat junk food, and not think about the impact that’s making on them at all.

I know it sounds like giving up but we need to put our health first before anything else so that when bad things happen (and I’m talking about something really terrible) then we can still come out on top no matter what happens next. We need safety now more than ever!

What we do at The Specific Chiropractic Centers is focused around your health and safety.

Of course we have been taking the proper measures to make sure we are providing a safe and clean environment to everyone that walks in, but what about the actual people receiving care?

That’s somewhat our specialty actually.

We focus on helping the body as a whole.

What most people don’t realize is that everything in the body is controlled by one master control system. This master control system is what we check at every single visit in the office.

It’s called the nervous system.

You’ve probably heard of the nervous system, but what does it actually do? It controls all bodily functions and response to stimuli. Without this master controller our bodies would be in serious trouble! With it reacting to all stimuli this can cause us to be potentially susceptible to certain health crisis’.

Think about a time you have felt super stressed. It’s hard to think straight but something else that happens is oftentimes you’ll start to notice you don’t feel the best physically either.

Sleep will be decreased, you might catch a cold, maybe a slight headache. This is due to the nervous system putting your body into a state of fight or flight from the stress that you’re going through! Imagine if we’d be able to flip that switch and take you out of a state of fight or flight. Suddenly you’d be able to sleep better, wouldn’t be as stressed out, see a decrease in headaches, wouldn’t get sick as often…it could be life changing for sure!

This is something we do on a daily basis. We work directly with the nervous system and this fight or flight response. We’re able to measure the nervous system at every visit to see if it’s working correctly. Imagine if yours hasn’t been working correctly for years and potential years to come? That could put you at risk to having something in the future and put your safety on the line.

We want to make sure that everyone is healthy so they can be safe from harm.

The Specific Chiropractic Centers has been helping out our community for a 5 years now!  We are proud of all the patients we have helped get back on their feet and feel better than ever before! We want to help you feel the safest that you and your family can possibly feel. So call us today, and let’s find out how what it takes to become safer by living healthier!

Learn more.

Here are a few more posts on how chiropractic care can help those who suffer from headaches and/or migraines.

Thanks for reading the specific blog.